


Looking for the premium Rec Room experience while creating a lasting legacy in Houston theatre?

Join the Legacy Club.


Help build a powerful legacy for Houston theatre and beyond.

Legacy Club members are more than theatergoers; they are visionary champions of Houston’s cultural landscape who understand that the arts need robust support to thrive. By joining the Legacy Club, you’ll enjoy the premium Rec Room experience, gaining exclusive access and insights while ensuring the growth of our artistic programming and expanding Rec Room’s prominence within American theatre.

Members of the Legacy Club recognize that ticket sales alone cannot sustain the full cost of producing groundbreaking work, fostering new voices in play development, and enriching arts education for public school students. This exceptional commitment is why a significant portion of each Legacy Club contribution may be tax-deductible, empowering supporters to leave a lasting impact on the arts in Houston and beyond.


For more information about our Legacy Club please email development@recroomarts.org

Levels and Benefits